Artist / Sculptor: Maggie Brockie


Artist – Sculptor

Location: Granite Belt Wine Country, Queensland

Maggie’s Gallery & Studio open only by prior appointment Contact Maggie Brockie phone 0419 651 787 ‘Rosella’ 284 Limberlost Road, Glen Aplin  

What made you decide to become an art maker?

As an artist in life, and at a loose end in my early 40’s, a friend suggested I might like to play with clay. This was the early ‘90’s and I have not stopped playing with the wonderful malleable and expressive medium of clay.    

What did your introduction to this art making look like?

I had dear friends who worked with clay and they were always encouraging me to ‘have a go’ to ‘feel the clay’. Finally I did!    

Did you have a career before?

I valued my role as a Mother, Partner, and a life of living in harmony with nature.    

What does your day-to-day actually look like?

As a mature aged person I usually circle around a little – a leisurely breakfast, a little gardening, attending to my home grown veggies; a little wildlife observation; a deep breath, and then the joys and frustrations of creating in the studio.    

Do you have a favourite work, or one you are most excited about and why?

The work I am most excited about is the ‘Weeroona Ducks’, situated on the rim of the fountain in Weeroona Park in Stanthorpe. Modelled in clay, the ducks were then cast in bronze and now form part of the Weeroona Sculpture Project.    

Do you have a favourite tool in your trade that you just couldn’t work without?

While there are many ways to fire clay; in a pit using saw dust or wood; electricity; or a wood fired kiln, I choose to use a gas kiln for my the majority of my work. Therefore, I could not achieve the desired finishes on my sculptures without my 10 cubic ft. gas fired kiln.    

What do you wish everyone knew about your works?

My subject matter is Native fauna, both common and endangered and I believe it is my obligation as an artist to make people aware of the plight and vulnerability of our native wildlife.    

Is there anything else you would like the audience to know?

I believe we are born to create. We were created and we are creative. There is an artist in us all.    

When you’re not making art, what do you like to do out and about on the Granite Belt?

I love to walk in the bush observing the fauna and flora; indulge in the cafe/ restaurant scene; drink local wine; visit the galleries and enjoy the live music and theatre events created by the local community.    

Can visitors meet you and visit your gallery?

Yes, visitors can come the gallery – by appointment only.  284 Limberlost Road, Glen Aplin.  Mobile No. 0419651787 My studio and gallery are in the same space. You will experience a working environment surrounded by garden and bush – my inspiration for the sculptures I create.

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